Tuesday 4 June 2013


I'm really not trying to jump on the bandwagon here by making this blog. I'm not really a writer, honestly I find that I express myself better by speaking. But my mouth has definitely gotten me into trouble way too many times to count. I guess the reason that I started this blog was just so I could simply have somewhere to release my thoughts. Usually I run to twitter for that kind of stuff , but a person can only do so much with 140 words. I want this blog to be hundred percent honest and raw but unfortunately that comes with a price. I feel like I should be careful about what I post , but I simply don't even care. If you can't handle the truth or if you're going to associate every post I have to be about you then you should just stop reading now. I don't mean to be rude, but i'm being honest. Don't waste your time reading it. I used to have that problem. Where I would associate all the angry Facebook or twitter posts that my friends would write, to be about me. Sometimes i still think like that , but I try to convince myself otherwise. Of course there will be people who will come across this blog who do not know a clue about me or who I am , but that is something I'm going to love; people getting to know me and having a little bit of insight into my life. I love meeting new people ! Simply because I like  being surrounded with a variety of people because that means a variety of outlooks and perspectives about life. I really hope that each and everyone one of you who comes across this blog will take sometime to read it and maybe even take something away from it. You don't even have to like it , just read it (:. Once again,   I'm not some intellectual philosopher or some deep writer. Just a girl expressing her thoughts.

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