Sunday 16 June 2013


This is just going to be a rant about whatever nonsense comes to mind.

I have so much I would love to blog about but I don't even know where to start. It probably seems like I've been neglecting posting any blog entries, but I've been so busy. It's not that I don't have anything to blog about, I ABSOLUTELY DO, however I'm really trying not to be impulsive with my writing. I don't want to be that one person who blogs every time something happens. So instead I just dwell on things first and if they seem to linger long enough , I tend to blog about them... or at least plan to ! HAHAH.  You see , my mind is always racing and thinking and dwelling and KLJASDKLJASKLDJASD. EXPLODING WITH THOUGHTS. I don't really know anything for sure anymore.

The following are a few of the  things that I am most certain about.

1. I desperately need to work on my relationship with God.

2. I would , in a heart beat, take a bullet for my Mother and two younger siblings. If it weren't for them I don't even think I would be able to function. My love for them is indescribable.

3. I'm trying to work on my relationships with my co-workers. I've blown them off a few times , and I feel bad. It's not that I don't want to hang out with them. It's just that my insecurities always get the best of me. They try so hard though & I think that I should stop letting my insecurities get in the way of things.

4. I'm almost 92 percent sure that I'm bipolar . I have really bad mood swings.

5. I want to travel

6. I want to be happily married one day

7. I  have a very very bad dog/cat phobia

8. If I could replace some of the close relationships I have  now , with ones I've had in the past .... I totally would.

9. I would love to make a career off of music , but once again my insecurities would just get in the way.

10. This blog entry is about 4 days old, because
I kept getting distracted each time I went to write it.

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